
There are common extensions suitable for all repositories.



  • Markdown All in One: All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more).
    provides: formatter, intellisence, snippets

  • markdownlint: Markdown/CommonMark linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
    provides: formatter, linter


  • EditoConfig for VS Code: This plugin attempts to override user/workspace settings with settings found in .editorconfig files.
    provides: intellisence


Version Control Systems

  • Git Blame: See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line.
    provides something else

  • commitlint: A VS Code extension that integrates commitlint into VS Code's commit editor.
    provides: linter

Additions to extensions

As some extensions don’t provide useful stuff we want to use for some or another reason we put it here.

Snippets for GitHub workflows

Each snippet has a single char prefix as there is no ability to apply snippets to just GitHub workflow files in YAML Red Hat extension.

    "workflow not": {
        "description": "! operator",
        "prefix": "w:not",
        "body": [
    "workflow compare to": {
        "description": "comparison operator",
        "prefix": "w:compare-to",
        "body": [
            "${1:expression} ${2|<,>,<=,>=,==,!=|} ${3:expression}"
    "workflow and": {
        "description": "&& operator",
        "prefix": "w:and",
        "body": [
            "${1:expression} && ${2:expression}"
    "workflow or": {
        "description": "|| operator",
        "prefix": "w:or",
        "body": [
            "${1:expression} || ${2:expression}"
    "workflow description": {
        "description": "step or job description",
        "prefix": "w:description",
        "body": [
            "${1|Build,Lint,Test|} with ${2|`,',\"|}${3:tool}$2"
    "workflow command": {
        "description": "command",
        "prefix": "w:command",
        "body": [
            "echo \"::${1|debug,notice,error,endgroup,echo,add-mask,group,warning|} ${2:parameter=value...}::${3:value}\""
    "workflow trigger": {
        "description": "trigger definition",
        "prefix": "w:trigger",
        "body": [
            "  ${1:event}:",
            "    branches:",
            "    - ${2:branch}",
            "  workflow_dispatch:"
    "workflow step": {
        "description": "step definition",
        "prefix": "w:step",
        "body": [
            "- name: ${1:name}",
            "  run: |",
            "    $0"
    "workflow job": {
        "description": "job definition",
        "prefix": "w:job",
        "body": [
            "  name: ${2:name}",
            "  runs-on: ${3:os}",
            "  steps:",
            "  - uses: actions/checkout@v${4:3}",
            "  - run: |",
            "      $0"
    "workflow contains function": {
        "description": "'contains' function",
        "prefix": "w:contains",
        "body": [
            "contains(${1:input}, ${2:item})"
    "workflow startsWith function": {
        "description": "'startsWith' function",
        "prefix": "w:startsWith",
        "body": [
            "startsWith(${1:input}, ${2:item})"
    "workflow endsWith function": {
        "description": "'endsWith' function",
        "prefix": "w:endsWith",
        "body": [
            "endsWith(${1:input}, ${2:item})"
    "workflow format function": {
        "description": "'format' function",
        "prefix": "w:format",
        "body": [
            "format(${1:format}, ${2:replacement...})"
    "workflow join function": {
        "description": "'join' function",
        "prefix": "w:join",
        "body": [
            "join(${1:input}, ${2:separator})"
    "workflow toJSON function": {
        "description": "'toJSON' function",
        "prefix": "w:toJSON",
        "body": [
    "workflow fromJSON function": {
        "description": "'fromJSON' function",
        "prefix": "w:fromJSON",
        "body": [
    "workflow hashFiles function": {
        "description": "'hashFiles' function",
        "prefix": "w:hashFiles",
        "body": [
    "workflow success function": {
        "description": "'success' function",
        "prefix": "w:success",
        "body": [
    "workflow always function": {
        "description": "'always' function",
        "prefix": "w:always",
        "body": [
    "workflow cancelled function": {
        "description": "'cancelled' function",
        "prefix": "w:cancelled",
        "body": [
    "workflow failure function": {
        "description": "'failure' function",
        "prefix": "w:failure",
        "body": [
    "workflow github context": {
        "description": "'github' context",
        "prefix": "w:github",
        "body": [
            "${{ github.${1|action,action_path,action_ref,action_repository,action_status,actor,actor_id,api_url,base_ref,env,event,event_name,event_path,graphql_url,head_ref,job,job_workflow_sha,path,ref,ref_name,ref_protected,ref_type,repository,repository_id,repository_owner,repository_owner_id,repositoryUrl,retention_days,run_id,run_number,run_attempt,secret_source,server_url,sha,token,triggering_actor,workflow,workflow_ref,workflow_sha,workspace|} }}"
    "workflow env context": {
        "description": "'env' context",
        "prefix": "w:env",
        "body": [
            "${{ env.${1:variable} }}"
    "workflow vars context": {
        "description": "'vars' context",
        "prefix": "w:vars",
        "body": [
            "${{ vars.${1:variable} }}"
    "workflow job context": {
        "description": "'job' context",
        "prefix": "w:job",
        "body": [
            "${{ job.${1|container,,,services,,,services.SERVICE_ID.ports,status|} }}"
    "workflow jobs context": {
        "description": "'jobs' context",
        "prefix": "w:jobs",
        "body": [
            "${{ jobs.${1|JOB_ID.result,JOB_ID.outputs,JOB_ID.outputs.OUTPUT_NAME|} }}"
    "workflow steps context": {
        "description": "'steps' context",
        "prefix": "w:steps",
        "body": [
            "${{ jobs.${1|STEP_ID.outputs,STEP_ID.conclusion,STEP_ID.outcome,STEP_ID.outputs.OUTPUT_NAME|} }}"
    "workflow runner context": {
        "description": "'runner' context",
        "prefix": "w:runner",
        "body": [
            "${{ jobs.${1|name,os,arch,temp,tool_cache,debug|} }}"
    "workflow secrets context": {
        "description": "'secrets' context",
        "prefix": "w:secrets",
        "body": [
            "${{ secrets.${1|GITHUB_TOKEN,SECRET_NAME|} }}"
    "workflow strategy context": {
        "description": "'strategy' context",
        "prefix": "w:strategy",
        "body": [
            "${{ strategy.${1|fail-fast,job-index,job-total,max-parallel|} }}"
    "workflow matrix context": {
        "description": "'matrix' context",
        "prefix": "w:matrix",
        "body": [
            "${{ matrix.${1|property_name|} }}"
    "workflow needs context": {
        "description": "'needs' context",
        "prefix": "w:needs",
        "body": [
            "${{ matrix.${1|JOB_ID,JOB_ID.outputs,JOB_ID.outputs.OUTPUT_NAME,JOB_ID.result|} }}"
    "workflow inputs context": {
        "description": "'inputs' context",
        "prefix": "w:inputs",
        "body": [
            "${{ inputs.${1|NAME|} }}"
    "bash if": {
        "description": "if operator",
        "prefix": "b:if",
        "body": [
            "if ${1:condition}; then",
    "bash if else": {
        "description": "if else operator",
        "prefix": "b:if-else",
        "body": [
            "if ${1:condition}; then",
    "bash while": {
        "description": "while operator",
        "prefix": "b:while",
        "body": [
            "while ${1:condition}; do",
    "bash until": {
        "description": "until operator",
        "prefix": "b:until",
        "body": [
            "until ${1:condition}; do",
    "bash for": {
        "description": "for operator",
        "prefix": "b:for",
        "body": [
            "for ${1:variable} in ${2:list}; do",
    "cmd if": {
        "description": "if operator",
        "prefix": "c:if",
        "body": [
            "if ${1:condition} (",
    "cmd if else": {
        "description": "if else operator",
        "prefix": "c:if-else",
        "body": [
            "if ${1:condition} (",
            ") else (",
    "cmd for": {
        "description": "for operator",
        "prefix": "c:for",
        "body": [
            "for %%${1:variable} in (${2:list}) do (",
    "pwsh if": {
        "description": "if operator",
        "prefix": "p:if",
        "body": [
            "if (${1:condition})",
    "pwsh if else": {
        "description": "if else operator",
        "prefix": "p:if-else",
        "body": [
            "if (${1:condition})",
    "pwsh while": {
        "description": "while operator",
        "prefix": "p:while",
        "body": [
            "while (${1:condition})",
    "pwsh do": {
        "description": "do operator",
        "prefix": "p:do",
        "body": [
            "while (${1:condition})"
    "pwsh for": {
        "description": "for operator",
        "prefix": "p:for",
        "body": [
            "for (${1:variable}=${2:value}; ${3:condition}; ${4:command})",
    "pwsh foreach": {
        "description": "foreach operator",
        "prefix": "p:foreach",
        "body": [
            "for (${1:item} in ${2:list})",
    "env change directory": {
        "description": "directory change",
        "prefix": "e:directory-change",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--chdir,-C|} ${2:command}"
    "env ignore environment": {
        "description": "environment ignore",
        "prefix": "e:environment-ignore",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--ignore-environment,-i|} ${2:command}"
    "sed print": {
        "description": "line print",
        "prefix": "s:print",
        "body": [
            "sed '' ${1:path/to/file}"
    "sed filter by line pattern": {
        "description": "line pattern filter",
        "prefix": "s:filter-by-line-pattern",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '/${3:pattern}/p' ${4:path/to/file}"
    "sed filter by line number": {
        "description": "line number filter",
        "prefix": "s:filter-by-line-number",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:number}p' ${4:path/to/file}"
    "sed filter by line numbers": {
        "description": "line number filter",
        "prefix": "s:filter-by-line-numbers",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:from},${4:to}p' ${5:path/to/file}"
    "sed replace single": {
        "description": "single replacement",
        "prefix": "s:replace-first",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/' ${4:path/to/file}"
    "sed replace globally": {
        "description": "global replacement",
        "prefix": "s:replace-all",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/g' ${4:path/to/file}"
    "sed transliterate": {
        "description": "transliteration",
        "prefix": "s:transliterate",
        "body": [
            "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 'y/${2:source-characters}/${3:replacement-characters}/g' ${4:path/to/file}"
    "awk print": {
        "description": "line print",
        "prefix": "a:print",
        "body": [
            "awk '{ print $0 }' ${1:path/to/file}"
    "awk filter by line pattern": {
        "description": "line pattern filter",
        "prefix": "a:filter-by-line-pattern",
        "body": [
            "awk '/${1:pattern}/' ${2:path/to/file}"
    "awk filter by line number": {
        "description": "line number filter",
        "prefix": "a:filter-by-line-number",
        "body": [
            "awk 'NR == ${1:number}' ${2:path/to/file}"
    "awk filter by line numbers": {
        "description": "line number filter",
        "prefix": "a:filter-by-line-numbers",
        "body": [
            "awk 'NR >= ${1:from} && NR <= ${2:to}' ${3:path/to/file}"
    "awk replace single": {
        "description": "single replacement",
        "prefix": "a:replace-first",
        "body": [
            "awk '{ sub(\"${1:pattern}\", \"${2:replacement}\") }' ${3:path/to/file}"
    "awk replace globally": {
        "description": "global replacement",
        "prefix": "a:replace-all",
        "body": [
            "awk '{ gsub(\"${1:pattern}\", \"${2:replacement}\") }' ${3:path/to/file}"